How to Make CCcam.cfg file

Most of the satellite receiver boxes need CCcam.cfg file with your CCcam lines in it in order to work. Usually users ask their providers for a cfg file not knowing they can create it themselves. Doing this is pretty much easy and you only need to have your CCcam lines to put in it.

First, create a simple text document.

Put your CCcam lines in it. Make sure your Lines have the correct format according to your box.

Note: usual format of CCcam lines is C: server port user pass

Now from the top left side of your text document click File > Save As ....

At the bottom there is a section called "Save As Type", change it to "All Files".

Then from the top of it in "File Name" write CCcam.cfg and save it.

Note: remember it`s vital that the first two C`s be in Caps Letters.


Thats it, your CCcam.cfg file is ready to be used.

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